Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  2nd February 2011


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Reported by Ume Farwa Saeed; Translated by M Mehdi


ISLAMABAD, February 2:  A majlis e aza was organized by Anjuman e Dukhtaran e Islam, UWF, Sakina Generation and Girl Guides in connection with Hafta e Azmat e Mustafa O Mujtaba (pbut) as announced by the Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Mousavi. Khateeba Ale Nabi Syeda Bint e Ali Mousavi while addressing the majlis said that to turn the world into  a hub of peace it is important to adopt the role model of the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hhp) Imam Hassan (pbuh).  She said that Imam Hassan e Mujtaba (pbuh) saved society from  vain bloodshed and turmoil while adopting the policy of peace and amicability.

Syeda Bint e Ali Mousavi emphasized the fact that Imam Hassan (pbuh) is a son of Hazrat Batool O Ali (pbut) who was also brought up by the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hhp) and a Mazloom martyr whose body was pierced with arrows while it was being carried for burying. She said that Imam Hassan (pbuh) elevated the message of Islam and human values by carrying out great services in the chapter of obedience to Allah, Knowledge, wisdom, generosity, judgement and services to the humanity. She said that in order to turn a world, shackled in oppression and barbarism, into a hub of peace it is obligatory to follow the pious character of Imam Hassan (pbuh) which also guarantees success  in this world and hereafter.  

She said that the message of Islam was spread through patience and not by force and violence. She said that Islam is a religion of peace and guarantees the survival of humanity which is obvious from the treaty of the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hhp) to the peace accord of Imam Hassan (pbuh). She said that to overcome the difficulties faced by humanity it is imperative to follow the character of the Holy Progeny (pbut) of the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hhp).  Zakira Malaeka Ghufar also addressed the majlis. To conclude the majlis Taboot of Imam Hassan e Mujtaba (pbuh) was brought out and matamdari was performed).