Special Message of Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi in connection with the Day of Destruction of Jannatul Baqee 8 Shawal 1441 Hijra




RAWALPINDI, January 30: The Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari met with the chief of the Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya Allama Hussain Muqadasi at Maktab e Tasheyyo Ali Masjid



RAWALPINDI, January 29: Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya will announce honourable election policy in forthcoming general elections - Hussain Muqadasi

RAWALPINDI, January 28: Youm e Sharikatal Hussain (SA) was commemorated with great religious zeal and reverence



RAWALPINDI, 28 January 2024



ISLAMABAD, January 26: Zahoor Purnoor of Amiral Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (AS) celebrated as Aalmi Jashan e Murtazawi with great religious zeal and reverence



RAWALPINDI, January 26: High level meeting held between Pakistan People's Party and the Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya regarding forthcoming general elections



RAWALPINDI, January 25: Zahoor Purnoor of Amiral Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (AS) will be celebrated as Aalmi Jashan e Murtazawi

RAWALPINDI, January 24: Aalmi Ayyam e Murtazawi begins in connection with Zahoor Purnoor of Amiral Momineen Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (AS)



RAWALPINDI, January 22: Role of Sagheer e Karbala Shahzada Ali Asghar (AS) is the beacon of light, if followed can defeat Yazidiyat and the system of oppression


RAWALPINDI, January 21: Messages of restoration of Relations between Iran and Pakistan is welcoming - Hussain Muqadasi

RAWALPINDI, 21 January 2023



RAWALPINDI, January 19: Pakistan’s armed forces response to Iranian aggression is representative of the national aspirations and exhibition of unwavering resolve to defend beloved motherland - Hussain Muqadasii

RAWALPINDI, January 18: Millad, Mahafil and festive gatherings held to celebrate Zahoor Purnoor of Imam Ali Al Hadi (AS)

RAWALPINDI, January 17: Zahoor Purnoor of Imam Ali Al Hadi (AS) will be celebrated today with great religious zeal and reverence



RAWALPINDI, January 16: The only way to root out terrorism is the implementation of the national Action Plan to the letter - Hussain Muqadasi

ISLAMABAD, January 15: The martyrdom of Imam Ali Naqi (AS) will be commemorated today with great religious zeal and reverence

RAWALPINDI, January 14: During the era of materialistic and excessively unbalanced approach,, the sacred footsteps of Imam Mohammad Baqir (AS) can be followed to get rid of the problems and turmoil - Hussain Muqadasi


RAWALPINDI, January 13: Those who sacrifices for the Shia rights are the great sons of the nation - Hussain Muqadasi

ISLAMABAD, January 12: The "Youme Shuhadae Hussaini Mohaz"; Today during Friday sermons, martyrs of the religion and the motherland will be acknowledged - TNFJ

RAWALPINDI, 12 January 2024

ISLAMABAD, January 11: Humanity must follow Ahle-bait (AS) to get freedom from oppression and barbarity - M H Jafferi

ISLAMABAD, January 10: The Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya announced the observation of "Ashrae Ajre Rasalat" from 1-10 Rajab Al Murajab

RAWALPINDI, January 9: Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya nominated conveners throughout the country to oversee Majalis to mark the "Youm e Shuhada e Mahaz e Hussaini"



ISLAMABAD, January 8: The explosion of terrorism in the country is a heinous conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan - Hussain Muqadasi

RAWALPINDI, January 6: Implementation of UN resolutions is mandatory to offer the right of self-determination to Kashmiris and Palestinians - Hussain Muqadasi

ISLAMABAD, January 5: Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya condemns heinous act of terrorism in the Iranian city of Karman



ISLAMABAD, January 4: The nation will not accept any curriculum which does not have Darood O Salaam (salutation to the Holy Prophet and His Holy Progeny (AS))



RAWALPINDI, January 3: A representative delegation of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqh e Jafariya Pakistan met with the Chief election commissioner Sikander Sultan Raja




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